Belt throw
Obi-nage, the belt throw is a simple takedown, which is apparently unique to Goshin-Jutsu. Obi-nage is best reserved for intermediate students, not because of its complexity, but because beginners and novice students should concentrate on fundamentals. Like all throws, obi-nage is simple if you do everything by the numbers.
- Kuzushi (Destroying balance): Obi-nage is a “towards throw;” which requires that the opponent’s energy moves towards you, like when the opponent pushes or charges at you. Do not use an atemi to stun the opponent; their momentum helps complete the throw. Do not use obi-nage if the opponent leans back or pulls you; fighting against the opponent’s momentum and balance is counter-productive.
Use your leading hand to grab the opponent’s lapel, at their collarbone. Grab the front of the opponent’s belt with your trailing-side hand, by the knot in front of their same-side hip. Squat slightly and do not resist the opponent’s forward momentum. - Tsukuri (Positioning): Twist into the opponent, and pull their lapel to your same-side shoulder, forcing them off-balance. Ideally, hip check the opponent’s groin with a Shakira-like motion as you enter. You need a solid, secure connection to transfer kinetic energy and momentum into your opponent, so your opponent must be snug against you. No light should pass through the space between you and the opponent, causing middle school dance chaperones to yell at you. For optimum efficiency and leverage, be mindful of the following posture quirks:
- Your center-of-mass must sink lower that your opponent’s center-of-mass. This seems like a given, since obi-nage is a “sacrifice throw.” However, the location of your center defines the throw’s axis of rotation, and throws are more efficient when the opponent rolls over top of you. Shorter people have a natural advantage over taller people with this technique. Taller or equally-sized people can still perform this technique, if they squat lower than their opponent’s belt knot.
- Your feet must be inside of your opponent’s feet. Ideally, your leading leg should be slightly behind the opponent’s lead leg.
- Nage (Throw): Swing your trailing leg up, like an a front exercise kick, and immediately perform a side breakfall. Obi-nage is a “sacrifice throw,” because you must sacrifice your own balance and fall to execute this technique. While we do not normally advocate compromising your balance, this aversion adds an element of surprise.
You fall pulls the opponent down and forward, forcing them into a dive roll. If you maintain your grip, you can use their momentum to pull yourself onto the opponent, and ideally end by kneeling atop of them while straddling their chest (a “full-mount”). From here, you can apply joint locks, strangleholds, and merciless “ground-and-pound” beatings on an as-needed basis.
[video of obi-nage fast and slow, from different angles.]