Tate tsuki

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Tate tsuki, the vertical punch, is a specialized move for punching an opponent's torso from close ranges. Some karate styles, like Isshin-ryū, use this punch exclusively. When your opponent is closer than arm’s reach -- close enough to grab you -- then you cannot turn your punches over without raising your elbows, which results in weak punches powered by the shoulder alone, while exposing your ribs to attack.

Unlike normal punches, tate tsuki does not turn over, and it does not fully extend. A tate tsuki remains at your side, and ends with your elbow at your hip. The result is reminiscent of the classic Rock’em Sock’em Robots (which like Goshin-Jutsu, also originated from Erie).

[Video of tate tsuki from the front and side.]

Because tate tsuki does not extend or turn over, it will always be weaker than a reverse punch. It is critical to drive with your hips, legs, and core; power is the product of efficient motion with synchronized breathing. Tate tsuki can only work with proper biomechanics, so learning to throw a powerful tate tsuki will improve all your other techniques. As such, it is important to make tate tsuki a regular part of your heavy bag routine.