Sanchin dachi

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Sanchin dachi literally translates as “three battles stance”, which is neither relevant nor important; the name comes from how this stance is a prominent feature of the popular kata named Sanchin. Within Goshin-Jutsu, sanchin dachi is sometimes called a small hourglass stance or immovable stance (though we discourage this, to avoid confusion with ready stance).

Karateka use frequently use sanchin dachi in dynamic tension exercises, and to provide an extra degree of stability when fighting in the clinch. Some karate styles, like Isshin-ryū, use sanchin dachi exclusively. Goshin-Jutsu mostly uses sanchin dachi as a transitional stance to quickly turn around, like a hook stance variant where you step in front of yourself, instead of behind yourself.

To enter a sanchin dachi, your rear foot must be about 1.5 shoulder-widths behind the front foot, and one shoulder-width to the side of it. Your bodyweight is evenly distributed between both legs, like a fighting stance, but your knees and toes point inward to tense your legs to a greater-than-normal degree (which is why this is a popular leg exercise). Hold your chin back; straighten and elongate your spine; and lower your butt, as though you were resting on the edge of a barstool.

[photo of sanchin stance from the front and side.]

If your legs feel comfortable, then something is wrong. Your leg muscles should experience a greater feeling of burning and tension compared to others stances. This cultivates the tremendous leg strength which powers our techniques. In order to keep and maintain this burn, you must lower your center of mass, and keep it low. Again, a good stance is 2” (5 cm) lower than what intuitively feels like a good stance.